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A Proven Process… from Start to PLAY:

  • Consult: We put our years of experience to work! The process of designing the perfect play space is a lot to take on for community leaders but our local Play-Pro Sales force will be your main point of contact from start to finish. We encourage our customers to share as many details about their project so we can begin to generate unique ideas that best accommodate their budget.
  • Design: We start designing by collaborating with customers to create an attainable vision within their specific budget, inclusivity needs and timeframe. We take into account patron usage, site layout, surfacing needs as well as accessibility. Our custom design studio puts no limits to what can be designed; with immaculate colorful renderings and “fly-through” video’s we are able to offer our customer’s a 360 degree view of our designs. Our goal is to curate a planned space design with key elements of play, safety surfacing and site accommodations.
  • Supply: All of our Little Tikes Equipment is made to order, manufactured in the USA, and shipped directly to the job site.
    • All decks receive a vinyl coating that reduces heat transfer and holds up well against aging and corrosion,
    • Compound resin gives our rotomolded products super impact strength, durability, color, and UV resistance
    • Our Kid Builders structures utilize a non-slip clamp design that is two times stronger than aluminum alloy clamps and features tamper-resistant hardware.
    • Our Play Builders structures feature the Direct Connect system that provides a unique dual-tempered fastener, adding strength and durability to the self-drilling tip and threads.
    • Our high-tensile, cold-formed steel is fortified by a three-step finishing process to ensure durability, corrosion resistance, and color fastness.
      • Step 1: ZincrichTM internal coating on tubes, including weldments Tubing High-tensile, cold formed steel tubing
      • Step 2: Flo-CoatTM pure zinc galvanizing on surface of tubes
      • Step 3: Polyester dry powder coating for vibrant color
  • Build: The expertise and quality craftsmanship from our “in-house” installation team speaks for itself. Our professional installers approach each site with the upmost care honoring timeline’s to completion while thoroughly communicating with our customers about project progress. Our goal is to complete each project with 100% customer satisfaction addressing any further needs before we vacate the site.
  • Play: Our goal is to inspire generations of growth, wonder and Play by creating destination playgrounds for patrons of all ages and abilities to enjoy for years to come! Rooted in imaginative play, Little Tikes Commercial helps kids develop by giving them the life skills they learn on a playground, and the skills they need to thrive and flourish as they grow.  With our commitment to safety and sustainability there are so many benefits to outdoor play!

Providing Complimentary Estimates for Any Commercial Play-Scape Design-Build!